David and Abishag. ELDRIDGE (Charles H.)
Pen and pastel drawing heightened in gold with inscription, signed by Eldridge, on board [303 x 200 mm] with advertisement for "Best Quality Crushed Blue Vitriol" on reverse, in black board frame [315 x 230 mm].
c. 1930
A shocked looking Abishag, with exposed breasts, sits up in bed beside a sleeping bearded David. The inscription reads:
"In good King David's later age, hot bottles were not known
So he sought the fine Abishag, though for reasons of his own
Declaimed he did not know her, as he winked the Royal Eye
And warmed his feet on Shaggie, as she sang a Lullabi".
Pen and pastel drawing heightened in gold with inscription, signed by Eldridge, on board [303 x 200 mm] with advertisement for "Best Quality Crushed Blue Vitriol" on reverse, in black board frame [315 x 230 mm].
c. 1930
A shocked looking Abishag, with exposed breasts, sits up in bed beside a sleeping bearded David. The inscription reads:
"In good King David's later age, hot bottles were not known
So he sought the fine Abishag, though for reasons of his own
Declaimed he did not know her, as he winked the Royal Eye
And warmed his feet on Shaggie, as she sang a Lullabi".
Pen and pastel drawing heightened in gold with inscription, signed by Eldridge, on board [303 x 200 mm] with advertisement for "Best Quality Crushed Blue Vitriol" on reverse, in black board frame [315 x 230 mm].
c. 1930
A shocked looking Abishag, with exposed breasts, sits up in bed beside a sleeping bearded David. The inscription reads:
"In good King David's later age, hot bottles were not known
So he sought the fine Abishag, though for reasons of his own
Declaimed he did not know her, as he winked the Royal Eye
And warmed his feet on Shaggie, as she sang a Lullabi".